Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

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  1. Devon Herrick says:

    The issue of kickbacks on medical devices is a tough one. Doctors naturally want to specialize in a device they know; and the device makers want to provide an incentive to doctors to review their products. I’m not opposed to such arrangements as long as the sponsorship is disclosed.

  2. Brian Williams. says:

    Chinese strollers recalled. One would think that a country with 265 million children would have figured out how to make a safe stroller by now.

  3. Ermentrude says:

    Here’s one headline I could have missed: Sleeping with your pets is could expose you to disease, according to the U. of California-Davis in a new report. http://www.usatoday.com/yourlife/pets/2011-01-24-Petsleeping24_ST_N.htm

    Hogwash…as long as you keep your dog washed. Let sleeping dogs lie.

  4. Joe Barnett says:

    Brian: It’s adults, not children, who were injured, by putting fingers in the mechanism while unfolding it. This has been a problem with strollers for more than 100 years! Problems with car doors and scissors remain.

  5. Joe Barnett says:

    NIH Director Collins is moving the institutes into the drug development business, performing some work now done by drug companies themselves. This is getting the government into the picking winners and losers business, which has not worked out in Japan.

  6. Ken says:

    Government’s entering the drug business? What’s this about?

  7. Virginia says:

    I am a fan of this new, “headlines I wish I hadn’t seen” post. It reminds me of Letterman’s top 10 list.