Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

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  1. Mark says:

    “Study: even though people are more likely to be killed by a bee sting than to be eaten by a shark, most people would prefer to go via the bee sting.”

    Are we talking about one bee-sting killing you, or swarmed with them? Because if its one then that seems an eminently logical choice, if I had to choose between the two.

    • Kevin says:

      The only way I can see choosing the shark making sense is if you are choosing which probability you would rather have.

  2. Billy says:

    “Venezuelan health care shambles.”

    The rest of their system is in shambles, why should their healthcare be any different.

  3. Wilbur says:

    “ObamaCare needs two young people for every three older sign-ups.”

    Good luck.

    • Tom G. says:

      Considering that there are probably more old than young at this point and that most young people don’t see a need for insurance, this one seems like a long shot.

  4. Jackson says:

    “Are right wingers conducting cyber-attacks on Healthcare.gov?”

    Ah, now I know why Dr. Goodman has been purchasing so many servers recently.

  5. Stewart T. says:

    “Are right wingers conducting cyber-attacks on Healthcare.gov?”

    It wouldn’t surprise me since they hate it so much.

  6. Buster says:

    ObamaCare needs two young people for every three older sign-ups.

    Wow! ObamaCare exchanges need at least 40% of enrollees to be young. Instead, only about 25% or fewer are young — and many of the young people are in their 30s, which isn’t as desirable as is they were in their 20s.

  7. Bubba says:

    Even though people are more likely to be killed by a bee sting than to be eaten by a shark, most people would prefer to go via the bee sting.

    You’re dead either way. But I suspect my family might have more closure if my corpse mostly normal. If I were to die from a shark attack, I probably be missing a major portion of my leg — or even my whole body.