Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

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  1. Bubba says:

    Has WebMD been secretly on the take?

    Do you mean on the take for more than just the banner advertising you see when you Google heartburn and an article on WebMD pops up with an ad for Nexium?

    • Lucas says:

      People who don’t think they profit are ridiculous. They love hypochondriacs, its what drives them.

  2. George says:

    WebMD just lost a ton of traffic on their site..

  3. Lucas says:

    I would hope more people trust FOX News on topics concerning the ACA, the opposition is generally what you want to listen to. NBC is just tooting its own horn over how much it loves Obama Care

  4. Kimberly says:

    “Poll: More people trust Fox News for information about ObamaCare than President Obama.”

    This doesn’t surprise me at all. How could anyone trust what Obama says. Every day he makes a claim that counters an earlier one.

  5. Jerome says:

    I hope all of the college kids who went out and voted for Obama because he was “a progressive thinker” realize that anyone can make a speech about what they want to do, but those ideas must be feasible.