Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

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  1. Jackson says:

    “Almost 1.5 million health insurance cancellations so far.”

    This is just the first round. Beat them to the punch folks! Cancel your health insurance today!

  2. Adam says:

    “GAO: Healthcare.gov cost at least $394 million.”

    Government budgetary talks are always amusing to me. When we want to bomb someone we have plenty of money, yet when it comes to paying employees or for healthcare, we never have the funds.

  3. Tom G. says:

    “Unrest on the left: is media coverage giving aid and comfort to ObamaCare’s enemies?”

    Dissention in the ranks?!

  4. Wilbur says:

    “Census Bureau: Means-tested government benefit recipients outnumber full-time year-round workers.”

    Bread and circuses. That’s what we’re heading toward. Here’s the bread, and the TV is the circus.

  5. JFA says:

    I imagine that the Census bureau may be including some people who are not getting means-tested in the means-tested measure given the definition they use (“anyone residing in a household in which one or more people received benefits from the program”). Also, let’s not pretend that those working full-time and those getting means-tested benefits are mutually exclusive. Also, some of those receiving means-tested benefits (i.e. children) are not even allowed in the workforce. Given the problem with the measure, I’m not sure why this is a headline you wish you hadn’t seen.

  6. Studebaker says:

    Census Bureau: Means-tested government benefit recipients outnumber full-time year-round workers.

    It doesn’t surprise me — I’m helping support another household’s sloth!

  7. Stewart T, says:

    “Unrest on the left: is media coverage giving aid and comfort to ObamaCare’s enemies?”

    Why shouldn’t we be upset when the media is telling lies about a program that will help so many people?