11 thoughts on “Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen”

    1. That is a pretty vague statement Ashley. What is the metaphorical cliff we’re metaphorically walking towards?

      1. Government controlled healthcare. And maybe it isn’t a cliff, maybe we’re walking into Canada.

  1. Well Dogs are substantially nicer than humans, so that makes sense. You never hear of German Shepards committing mass genocide.

  2. No, “economic policy uncertainty” is not harming economic growth…Krugman is supposed to be so smart, why is he saying these things that make him seem less so…

  3. I think it’s a little unfair for the President to go somewhere other than Camp David or his personal property on vacation. If memory serves, President Reagan went to his ranch in California, and President Bush went to his ranch in Texas.

    The reason is that Camp David is public property and is permanently secure. The President’s personal vacation home can also be made secure during the entire period of his presidency. So, when the President goes there, it’s easy to “stand up” all the bells and whistles required.

    But to go on vacation like ordinary people is surely disruptive and more expensive to taxpayers than what President Reagan or President Bush did.

    Of course, President Obama does not have a ranch, nor the wealth that either Reagan or Bush had. But I’m sure he can get a mortgage on good terms, given his anticipated future earnings post-retirement!

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