Gendercide, Exclusive Art Auctions, and the Anatomy of Desire

In China and northern India more than 120 boys are being born for every 100 girls. Worldwide, 100 million baby girls are missing.

Would you buy a painting, hoping to sell it after its price rises? If so, you’re unlikely to be invited to the most exclusive art auctions.

Men blind from birth have the same preferences as other men: They prefer women with curves.

Comments (8)

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  1. Joe S. says:

    As the article on men’s preferences explalins, it’s in our genes.

  2. artk says:

    Blind men have more fun finding a women with curves.

  3. Tom H. says:

    Point of the blind man study was to see if the preference is culteral or inbred. It seems to be the latter.

  4. Paul H. says:

    What’s wrong with flipping paintings? These art auctions are run by a bunch of snobs.

  5. Clark says:

    artk: Maybe we could pretend we are blind.

  6. Vicki says:

    You really don’t know what happened to the girls? Try abortion and infanticide.

  7. Devon Herrick says:

    Interesting factoid about blind men.

    I would think the missing women in China and India would lead to social unrest. Men unable to find mates would be more apt to get into self-destructive behaviors and engage in civil disobedience – all things that wives and girlfriends tend to discourage. These are also activities that married men have little time for when they have to support a family.

  8. Virginia says:

    I’ve never met a artist who was also a good business person. Not only does flipping paintings make the artist more famous, but it also increases the amount of money the artist will make on the next painting. What’s not to love about that?