Funny Re-election Video Makes the Rounds on YouTube, Kmart Medicine, and Ft. Worth Luxury Hotel for the Pampered Pet

Congressman prepares to campaign for re-election. (Very funny Heritage video.)

Kmart medicine: Find out if you have an aneurysm on aisle 10.

Hotel for cats and dogs.  Price: $200 a night.



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  1. Devon Herrick says:

    Kmart (and its sponsors) are selective with who it allows to get the aneurysm tests. I wish Kmart and Walmart would both expand their line of medical services. Low cost lab tests would be great; and chronic disease management is something that a huge proportion of their customers probably could use.

  2. Virginia says:

    The boarding facility down the street charges me $20 a night to board my dog. And when I go to pick him up, he’s really happy to see me.

    I’m afraid that if I were to pay more, my dog might not want to come home.

  3. Virginia says:

    The video was funny. I think the Oprah this is the best excuse. By far.

  4. Bart Ingles says:

    Is that Clint Howard in the video?

    It may be ironic, but I’d bet that if he really were to run for Congress, he’d be elected.

  5. Vicki says:

    I’m all for Kmart practicing medicine. I’m sure they will impose a uniform quality standard and the price will be affordable.

  6. Erik Ramirez says:

    from the article:
    “Medicare now pays for an initial abdominal aortic aneurysm screening when patients turn 65 — but only for certain people deemed to be at high risk. The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends screening for men aged 65 to 75 who at some time had a smoking habit, and takes no stance on screening men in that age bracket who never smoked. It recommends against routinely screening women.”

    They are merely going after government money. When will corporations stop relying on the government for their profits?