Category: Interesting Links

Creating a Wooly Mammoth, Indoor Tanning is Addictive, and Teaching Doctors the Price of Care

New Online Reviews of Doctors, Lack of Sleep and Early Death, and Do Women Make Better Physicians?

Teaching Doctors the Price of Care, Organic Foods, and 71 Million Unused H1N1 Vaccines

Patients don’t know what anything really costs? The doctor doesn’t either.

Study: People who eat cookies labeled “organic” believe the cookies have 40% fewer calories. Obviously, Mayor Bloomberg and the other nanny state enthusiasts are trying to regulate the wrong things.

The U.S. has 71 million unused H1N1 swine flu doses. Health officials say anyone who has not been vaccinated should still try, just in case.

Genes in Unexpected Places, California’s Ticking Pension Bomb, and How Personality Affects Brain Aging

The least among us: Scientists are finding genes that stop cancer growth and have other valuable uses in yeast, nematode worms and even frogs.

California’s unfunded pension liability is about six times the size of this year’s state budget and seven times more than the outstanding voter-approved general obligations bonds.

At Other Blogs

Health Business Blog: Robots are coming. At 36 weeks, robot-assisted therapy and intensive therapy performed about the same, and both were superior to usual care.

The Digerati Life: ObamaCare timeline. Best artwork I’ve seen.

Maggie Mahar at Health Beat: Can fear of cancer cause even more suffering than cancer itself? Answer: Maybe.

Colorado Health Insurance Insider: “The idea that health insurance should be strictly a free market, unregulated product is popular among people who are healthy…” Yes. Just like life insurance is popular among the living and fire insurance is popular among people whose homes have not yet burned down and auto collision insurance is popular… Give me a break!

Jason Shafrin at Healthcare Economist has a good summary.

Doctor Frustration, Lucky Charms, and Paying to Live Longer

Doctor frustration: “I’m at the office late every night taking care of mindless paperwork, just so the insurance companies can deny payment.”

Do lucky charms improve performance? Sometimes.

Is an adopted child like a used car? Does the adoption agency have a duty to reveal all defects?

Would you pay $93,000 to live four more months? If you have prostate cancer, you may get that chance.

Patient Satisfaction, Social Networks Affect Drinking Patterns, and Botox Diminishes Emotions

Exercise for Depression, Illegal Immigrants Not So Scary, and Chocolate Causes Depression?

Exercise for depression or anxiety: The effect is similar to medication and talk therapy and better than relaxation, meditation, stress education and music therapy.

Surprise finding: Illegal immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than native Americans.

This is a downer: Chocolate may depress you.

Official State Microbe, Fifty Years and No Sign of E.T., Food Stamps Cause Obesity

Congress Can Stay in their Current Health Insurance Plans, Vacation Subsidies for the Poor, and Consumer-Driven Execution?

OPM: Congress won’t have to become uninsured after all. Members and staff can stay in their federal insurance plans until they must join the exchanges to be created in 2014. My advice: Get your surgery done before that date.

About 40 percent of all advanced clinical trials sponsored by the Cancer Institute are never completed. That is an incredible waste of effort and money.

Consumer-Driven Execution. In Utah the condemned can choose: Firing squad or lethal injection. (Need I say what real men would choose?)