Category: Interesting Links

More User-Friendly Psychotherapy, Genetic Risk Profiling, and the Secret to a Longer Life

Your couch or mine: Telephone therapy is almost as effective as face-to-face consultations for depression.

Birth control for weeds: A new way to use herbicides.

Can your genes predict Alzheimer’s? No.

Robbing the cradle is bad for women’s health: “Marrying an older man shortens a woman’s lifespan, but having a younger husband reduces it even more.”

How Life Began, Neanderthals and Us, and Less than Half of Workers Satisfied With Jobs

Thank Our Lucky Muons, Dirt is Good for You, and the First Mass Genetic Testing of University Applicants

Why is there something rather than nothing? Because of muons.

Can dirt do a little good? “Exposure to a certain amount of dirt and germs…may help the body build up resistance to disease.”

Does a warm-up improve your athletic performance? Maybe not.

Study: shyness is bad for marriage. Come to think of it, it’s probably bad for most human interactions.

Applicants to Berkeley can submit a DNA swab. The university tests genes that help regulate the ability to metabolize alcohol, lactose and folates.

Texas Doctors Ending Involvement with Medicare, State Dinner Chef Goes Rogue, and Transparency in Health Care

The Texas Medicare system is beginning to implode. That’s Medicare, not Medicaid.

John E. Calfee (The American): Too much transparency could mean higher health care prices.

10 Things Health Clubs Won’t Tell You, Jewish Fertility Treatments, and People are Happier Beyond Age 50

Ten things health clubs won’t tell you. They’re all bad.

Does the religion of the egg matter? Some rabbis say that a child conceived in vitro is Jewish only if the egg came from a Jewish woman.

Octopus eats a shark (neat video).

New Study Says Older = Happier: Although women across the board are more likely than men to worry and feel greater stress and sadness.

At Other Sites

James Capretta (Kaiser Health News): The Medicare Independent Panel Advisory Board has been designed so that the only thing that it can recommend to control Medicare costs is a cut in provider fees.

David Williams (Health Business Blog) defends robot surgeries: Humans are the most likely cause of recent mistakes.

ACSH Dispatch: The FDA pays for a study calling for greater regulatory authority for the FDA.

Milliman: Medical spending reaches $18,074 for family of four, up $1,303 from last year.

Berwick Praises the NHS, New Way to Treat Pain, and the “(In)fidelity Gene”

Donald Berwick praising the British National Health Service. (video) This is President Obama’s nominee to run Medicare.

New way to treat pain: blocking the nerves to the brain. Didn’t I see this in a James Bond movie?

The “(in)fidelity gene”: Men who have it are more likely to have serious marital problems and unhappy wives.

Big Pharma Loves Harry Reid, a New Way to Ration Care, and FDA “Expert” Panels

Sleeping with the Enemy, Part II: PhMRA is pouring money into Harry Reid’s campaign. AHIP is joining Families USA to support ObamaCare.

Why FDA expert panels are less and less expert: Research physicians who know the most are barred from FDA expert panels by conflict-of-interest rules.

Chemical Increases Sensitivity in Men, Hospital Reputation Measures, and When Good News is Bad News

Top-ranked hospitals not always the best. Reputation is “minimally associated” with objective quality measures.

When is good news about declining maternal death rates worldwide not welcome news? When it hurts fundraising.

Over-the-Counter Genetic Tests, Patients Give False Information, and Caffeine Makes Everything Tastes Better

Genetic tests to hit drugstore shelves. Experts don’t like it.

Patients give false information in emergency rooms: “Only 42 percent could be successfully contacted using the number provided [and] nearly 28 percent of the patients gave wrong or disconnected numbers.” (HT to

Everything tastes better with caffeine. Especially when you’re caffeine-deprived.