10 Things Health Clubs Won’t Tell You, Jewish Fertility Treatments, and People are Happier Beyond Age 50

Ten things health clubs won’t tell you. They’re all bad.

Does the religion of the egg matter? Some rabbis say that a child conceived in vitro is Jewish only if the egg came from a Jewish woman.

Octopus eats a shark (neat video).

New Study Says Older = Happier: Although women across the board are more likely than men to worry and feel greater stress and sadness.

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  1. Vicki says:

    Octopus eats a shark? YUCK!

  2. Devon Herrick says:

    The business model of most health clubs is rather strange. They ask patrons to pay annual memberships in advance – knowing that, after only a few months, most will show up only sporadically (if at all). The clubs also hope their members will be struck by guilt or shame sufficient to renew memberships each January despite not really wanting to work out.

  3. Tom H. says:

    Amen to the health club list.

  4. Nancy says:

    I’m not surprised that older is happier. Nor that women are less happy than men. Of course none of this is fair.

  5. Ken says:

    Think of Arlen Spector as the shark.

  6. Paul H. says:

    I agree with Ken. And think of the octopus as Specter’s new polical party.

  7. Virginia says:

    That’s why I don’t have a gym membership.

    Oh yeah, that and I don’t like to work out.

  8. Rusty W. says:

    On the eggs, I believe that is consistent with rabbinical law.

  9. infertility could be a thing of the past with our modern day stem cell technology:”-