Category: Interesting Links

Emergency Rooms for the Elderly, and Other Links

Hospitals designing senior ERs. Patients can receive warm blankets, a pair of reading glasses or even large-print crosswords. Discharge instructions are in large print.

The two million most expensive hospital stays (5 percent in total) charge as high as $18,000 a day; with average stays of almost three weeks.

Why do ER physicians have to provide care, regardless of ability pay, while an individual surgeon or specialist cannot be compelled to operate on or treat a patient in need of surgery? One doctor says this is an unjustified double standard.

It Costs Two Cents to Make a Penny, and Other Links

More than 317,000 waiters and waitresses have college degrees (over 8,000 of them have doctoral or professional degrees), along with over 80,000 bartenders, and over 18,000 parking lot attendants. (HT to Tyler Cowen)

Could the FDA Require Food Safety Standards in Your Home?

The FDA wants every restaurant to have a certified food protection manager on site. What about in your own home?

70-year-olds are smarter than they used to be.

Power of positive thinking: psychological attitudes and social relations delay a decline in health up to a decade.

Embryo Spent 19 Years on Ice, and Other Links

Is Big Pharma to Blame for the Restrictions to HSAs?

Was Big Pharma behind the new restrictions on HSAs and FSAs? What about the AMA?

Doctors are influenced by drug companies and that’s a good thing. Sally Satel review of White Coat, Black Hat.

What’s the best place for a medical home? Your own home.

Women Want More Children than Men, and Other Links

Do You Know What a Rotifer Is? and Other Links

Elephants are a renewable resource, whereas woolly mammoths are extinct. So which animal’s ivory do you think is banned in international trade? (HT to Tyler Cowen.)

The European press is much more skeptical about climate change than the American press. But among the general populations, it’s just the reverse.

Rotifers can reproduce sexually or asexually. In the latter case, the females produce clones of themselves.

Up to One-Third of U.S. Adults Could Have Diabetes by 2050, and Other Links

Up to a third of U.S. adults could have diabetes by 2050.  Current level is one in ten.

Sugar fix: A syringe full of sugar water can stimulate healing and provide relief from a range of chronic pain conditions.

An episode of adversity does make you (mentally) stronger. Versus prolonged adversity and no adversity.

Keith Richards explains how to safely get stoned: Use “high-quality drugs” in moderation!

FDA Approves Botox as Migraine Treatment, and Other Links

FDA Relents: Botox OK’d as migraine treatment. See previous post here.

Recession? What recession? Health care share of total employment reached an all-time high.

The benefits of being bilingual: Speakers of more than one language fend off the onset of dementia symptoms for an average of four years longer than monolingual patients.

Liberal groups side with food companies and oppose Mayor Bloomberg on food stamps for sodas.

Last Insurer to Offer “Child-Only” Plan Drops It, and Other Links

The last insurance company writing “child-only” health policies in Minnesota has pulled out of the market.

Tennessee Governor: My state could drop coverage for its state employees, pay the $2,000 per employee tax penalty/tax to the federal government, give their workers cash raises to compensate for the loss in health benefits, and still come out at least $146 million per year ahead.

There’s an alcohol gene. About 10% to 20% of people have it.

California’s marijuana crop is worth $14 billion. The California wine industry comes in at $2 billion.