Category: Interesting Links

Could Breastfeeding Become Mandatory By Law?, and Other Links

Could “food police” make breastfeeding mandatory? “A set of expectations that makes [mothers] feel inadequate no matter how passionately they attend to their children.”

Bush: “I Was A Dissenting Voice” On the Iraq War. “No one was more sickened or angry than I was when we didn’t find weapons of mass destruction.”

Personal drones — smaller, private versions of the infamous Predator — are the next hot technology. You can track celebrities, a cheating lover, or a missing pet.

Castrated Men Live Longer, and Other Links

Can Bacteria Treat Cancer, and Other Links

Can bacteria treat cancer? It is cheap, easy to produce and noninvasive.

71%  of Republican voters want health care law repealed. Only 16 percent of Democratic voters do.

Secret rebates encourage doctors to prescribe a drug costing 100 times more than an identical drug. $2,000 versus $20.

UK’s NICE loses its rationing powers. About 20,000 patients die unnecessarily early each year because of NICE decisions.

How to Avoid Bed Bugs, and Other Links

Austin Frakt on how to avoid bed bugs. Useful information.

San Francisco outlaws Happy Meals. No more free toy with meals that contain high levels of calories, sugar and fat.

Are organically grown onions, carrots, and potatoes better for you? No.

Alcohol More Lethal than Heroin, and Other Links

Fred Upton: Over 4,100 pages of regulations have been issued since the ObamaCare was signed into law. A dozen new regulations were not even subject to any kind of public scrutiny before taking effect.

Why do insurers avoid low-income Medicare beneficiaries? Medicare payments are 8 percent higher for these beneficiaries, but the costs are 21 percent more. Got it.

Environmental regulations (e.g., trash disposal) are much harsher for big business than, say, for homes. Robin Hanson asks if it shouldn’t be the other way around. (via Econlog)

Four-Year-Old Sued for Bicycle Accident, and Other Links

Four-year-old sued for bicycle accident. Did he act as a reasonable four-year-old would have acted under…?

Best place to store vitamins. It’s not the medicine cabinet.

Is a barbershop a good place to check blood pressure? In some African American communities apparently, yes.

Dental therapists can practice “safe, competent, appropriate” dentistry. At least in Alaska.

Taxpayers to Spend $200 Million a Day on President’s Trip to Mumbai, and Other Links

AZ and OK Voters Opt Out of Individual Mandate, and Other Links

Scientists Discover Liberal Gene, and Other Links

There is a liberal gene. It’s a dopamine receptor called DRD4.

Congressional Budget Office Director Doug Elmendorf recently predicted that the federal health reform law will cause a half-percentage point drop in labor supply. That’s equivalent to 698,575 full-time jobs.

The federal government has paid out more than $1 billion in checks to about 250,000 dead people over a decade. Sen. Coburn: “Washington paid for dead people’s prescriptions and wheelchairs, subsidized their farms, helped pay their rent, and even chipped in for their heating and air conditioning bills.”

Some doctors use genetic tests to help manage their patients’ care. There are 1,956 diseases for which genetic tests are on the market.

Woman Robot Looks Human, and Other Links