Category: Interesting Links

Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

A Song for Why We Need to Raise the Debt Ceiling, and Other News Items

Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

Freud’s Cocaine Experience, and Other Links

“We Write 80 Million Checks A Month,” and Other News

Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

A Study on Alzheimer’s I Don’t Believe, and Other News Items

I’m not sure I believe this: Alzheimer’s preventable more than half of the time, suggests UCSF study.

Is food a drug? It is according to the “food addiction hypothesis.”

Barely half of health insurance executives said their companies are planning to take part in (ObamaCare) health insurance exchanges.

What’s wrong with President Obama’s approach to health and education: the God complex. Great video presentation by Tim Harford at TED (HT: Tyler)

Insomnia is Keeping Us Awake, and Other News Items

10% of the U.S. population has chronic insomnia. 60 million prescriptions for sleep aids were written last year.

The Duchess of Windsor was wrong: You can be too thin.

Does physician income increase from treating more complex patients? In Denmark, the answer is no. It’s probably no here as well. HT: Jason Shafrin

Size matters: The GDP maximizing penile length is around 13 centimeters. (HT: Greg Mankiw)

Fatty Foods and Marijuanalike Chemicals, Rural Life Expectancy, and Other News Items

After the rats ate fatty foods, their bodies immediately began to release natural marijuanalike chemicals in the gut that kept them craving more.

Rural areas have 25% of the people but only 15% of the doctors. Life expectancy is one year shorter.

A chilling discovery: after cardiac arrest the body is quickly cooled after the heartbeat restored, and survived to be discharged from the hospital—92% of them with most or all of their cognitive function intact.

I hope they didn’t spend very much money on this study. Conclusion: Low health literacy is associated with poorer health outcomes and poorer use of health care services. (HT: Morning Consult)