Category: Interesting Links

We Have More Intelligence Genes than We Thought, and Other News Items

Facial Scan Can Determine Dominance of Men, CT Scans for Sale, and Other News Items

Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

A Research Puzzle is Solved, Other Research is Debunked, and Other News Items

To Cryonically Freeze Your Body After Death or Not, and Other News Items

Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

Therapy Dogs for Witnesses in Court, RIP Bernadine Healy, and Other News Items

Acupuncture for Dogs, Criminal Tendencies Somewhat Hereditary, and Other News Items

In Defense of Blackmail, a Robot Nurse, and Other News Items

Robin Hanson defends blackmail.

Robot nurse. He comes up short on TLC. HT: Jason Shafrin.

Antsy politicians: when they can’t tax or spend, they regulate.

Should college students get food stamps? 30,000 Michigan students just lost theirs.

How do you make a voluntary Ponzi scheme work? Make it mandatory. Peter Orszag on the CLASS Act.

Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen