Can the States Extend the ObamaCare Mandate Deadline?

On Monday, Minnesota said it would extend a completion deadline for anyone who starts the process of enrolling in a plan by midnight on March 31 but doesn’t finish it. Maryland and Nevada also have extended the deadline for people who can show they began to sign-up before the end of the month…”We sort of liken it to if you are standing in line to vote and the polls close but you are still able to go ahead and vote,” said Scott Leitz, interim chief executive of Minnesota’s health-insurance exchange, MNsure. Mr. Leitz said people will have to prove that they tried to sign up to be eligible for flexibility. (WSJ)

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  1. P. Philips says:

    It will be extending the completion deadline forever?

  2. Soro says:

    They are trying to employ any possible way to extend the deadline..

  3. Anla says:

    They have no choice but one way: to extend the deadline.

  4. Meatz says:

    Are they implying that people prefer not to enroll into the ObamaCare?

  5. Allen says:

    They have to, or else no one will get signed up and millions will be forced to take a penalty.

  6. Trent says:

    In order to get the best a mount of healthy people signed up to care for the sick we must extend the deadline. It’s the only way

  7. Erik says:

    This is a good idea. A lot of the bottle neck is with the insurance companies themselves not being able to keep up with the massive influx of applications.