Stuff I Could Never Make Up On My Own

Officials say a woman lay in the yard of a west Little Rock home for more than three hours while ambulance crews, police and coroner’s office officials debated whether she was dead or alive.

She was eventually taken to a hospital Friday morning by the third ambulance crew called to the scene… An emergency room doctor also pronounced the woman dead before she was eventually taken to the hospital after she took a breath as a deputy coroner and his bosses watched.

Full story by The Associated Press.

Comments (6)

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  1. Virginia says:

    Did they hold a mirror under her nose? I saw that work in a movie.

  2. Larry C. says:

    Outrageous. And you’re right. Who could make this up?

  3. Ken says:

    I read this. Then I reread it. I still find the whole thing totally implausible. I guess AP hasn’t retracted the story, have they?

  4. Bruce says:

    Really, Ken? I have known people who seemed almost dead, even though completely alive. This woman may have been like that.

  5. Tom H. says:

    Take Senator Byrd, for example.

  6. Devon Herrick says:

    It sounds like the “good ole days” when the country doctor / coroner used a mirror and a feather to detect breathing in patients presumed dead, without a detectible pulse.

    There were a few (supposed) cases where the dead woke up during the funeral. In fact, there are some famous cases where wealthy people took elaborate steps to alleviate the possibility of being buried alive.