Insurer Denies Coverage to Disabled Patient, and Other Links

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  1. Jennifer Mills says:

    I found this particular statement in the article very interesting: “Physical therapy done in a pool is fine, but when done on a horse, it does not suddenly become some alternative, strange therapy…The therapist is paid for the service she provides, not the tool she uses.” Doesn’t this just say it all? This same way of thinking could be applied to just about any situation…it’s not about how you get there, as long as you get there. If this form of therapy seems to be working for the little girl, who are the insurance providers to say it’s not proven to work and thus they refuse to cover it?

  2. Jordan says:

    I think it’s meant to describe the simple fact that allowing bureaucrats to regulate everything is inefficient.

  3. Christian Boozer says:

    Don’t Be Afraid of Genetic Modification

    One of the challenges of GM is where we draw the line ethically. If it is okay to modify chickens, is it okay to choose our child’s hair or eye color? Will we one day create a more superior class of humans? Will only the rich have access to such technologies?

    On the face of it, genetic engineering provides great benefits for a determinable cost. However, the long term effects are really unknown. I think the potential is great. But we must proceed with caution. How much caution you ask? Certainly less than a 17 year public comment period!

  4. Daniel Jones says:

    There are all sort of strange statements made after the study on saturated fat.
    1. Diet affects heart-disease risk and health in general.
    2. Sticking to a diet rich in fish oils, another heart-healthful fat, doesn’t necessarily protect people from heart attacks or strokes.
    3. Those who carry extra pounds, even to the point of being slightly obese, may live longer than people who weigh less.
    Does this mean that we shouldn’t diet anymore, we shouldn’t worry about what we eat and/or exercise at all, we shouldn’t take vitamins or natural things to avoid heart attacks or other conditions, we shouldn’t worry about getting fat?

    It almost feels like everything we have always been told is good for us, really isn’t.

  5. Studebaker says:

    Equine therapy: A lot of health insurers won’t cover it.

    What’s next? Play therapy,? Just imagine: busy parents concerned their pre-schoolers aren’t getting enough socialization will drop their kids off at the Day Care (whoops, I mean Day Therapy Clinic) to socialize with other kids while being monitored by play therapists. Naturally, all this would be paid for (at the rate of $100 per 20 minute session) by the government of your friendly health insurer.
    Yea, back when I worked for a hospital, pet therapy was all the rage. Basically they’d bring in a well-behaved dog for old people to pet. To my knowledge, Medicare wouldn’t cover that either — nor should they. Sometimes things that do provide therapeutic benefit are so easily to abuse and so hard to document benefit that we can hardly blame insurers to cover them.

  6. Buster says:

    Can advertising make you fat?

    I always thought eating too much is what makes you fat?

  7. Gabriel Odom says:

    “Those who carry extra pounds, even to the point of being slightly obese, may live longer than people who weigh less. None of this is to say that there are no links between diet and heart disease or longevity. We know that synthetic trans fats seem particularly risky. And that the interplay between what you eat and your particular genetics may be primary. But the truth is, at this point, we don’t truly understand how it all works.”

    At this point, we’re still sure that Big Macs are bad for you, and running a mile is good for you. Let’s stick with that.

  8. H. James Prince says:

    “Does this sign make me fat?”

    For the last time, correlation does not imply causality.

  9. Chris says:

    The link between dietary cholesterol and heart disease has long been debunked. It is also well known that polyunsaturated fats (Omega-6 fatty acids) are not healthy for you, they contribution to inflammation in the body and it is this chronic inflammation that is likely the cause of many of our lifestyle diseases.

    As for meat, based on the research, it would appear that it isn’t a matter of eating meat or not, it is a matter of what our meat eats. Wild caught fish are so heart healthy because they eat a diet of kelp and plankton. But farmed fish lose much of the health benefits if they’re fed a diet of corn and soy. This same issue translates into traditional livestock. Grass fed or pastured poultry or beef is much healthier, in an actual scientifically quantifiable way, than corn/soy fed counterparts (which is most of our livestock). Dairy products as well, from pastured cows, are healthier. They’re healthier because the animal is what it eats and the fat profile of animals raised on grass is vastly different than the fat profile of animals raised on corn and soy. Specifically there is more CLA, more Omega 3s, and less Omega 6s when the animal is grass fed.

    You can find organic milk and organic beef, but organic does not mean healthy, these cows are typically just hormone free corn/soy fed cows. Finding grass fed dairy is very hard, at least for me. I wish we had a whole foods here. I did read an article about a new brand of grass fed ice cream, so it is coming. I can buy grass fed meat at farmers markets or online (such as bison, which I often buy), but not dairy. The exception being some artisanal cheeses which are always from grass fed cows.

    I don’t know if I’d say that butter from corn fed cows is necessarily better than say corn oil, but butter from grass fed cows certainly would be (of course olive oil maintains a vast lead in the realm of healthy fats, nothing comes close).

  10. Roger Hall says:

    “Can advertising make you fat?”

    I found this article to be quite silly in content. I guess it is missing the idea that correlation isn’t the same as causation. OF COURSE an added won’t CAUSE you to gain weight…

  11. Anthony Seton says:

    The study on saturated fat is misguiding. It assumes the prevalent acceptance of polyunsaturated fats, which is not the case. In any case, we know what high levels of saturated fat does to the body. I invite you to try on your own. On the issue of alternative oil fats, olive oil does wonders, which I invite you to compare on your own. The reaction of our bodies to diet alternations is an immense tool we have at our disposal to experiment with without relying on conflicting research.

  12. Jordan says:

    Quite cynical Studebaker. They have emotional support dogs for trauma victims, is that a bad idea too?

  13. Floccina says:

    Is saturated fat, the type found in meat and butter, really bad for you?

    I do not think that we know about nutrition what we are sure that we know about nutrition.