Marginal Revolution University, and Other Links

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  1. Alex says:

    A University is only as good as its reputation, which is consistently ignored by people who start their own. If, for example, Harvard started doing something like this then we would have something to talk about. Until then projects like this will only add to the growing number of fringe universities.

  2. Studebaker says:

    Harvard students cheating: what course were they taking? “Introduction to Congress.”

    You have to wonder about a university when “125” students are under investigation for possible cheating in one class! I’ve never had a class that big — much less one so big that a minority (presumably) were cheating that the number was 125.

    I’ve heard about online universities where students collaborate on test taking. One person takes the test and guesses — passing the correct answers to friends — who Ace the exam. By taking turns, each member of the group only has one bad exam. The lowest grade is either dropped, or the average balances out the final grade. Because college instructors are lazy, they like to have group projects where the number of projects to grade is lower. This forced collaboration probably aides the cheating by creating the teams that can cheat together.

  3. Bradford Willingham says:

    Ivy Leagues.. There is probably 125 people who didn’t get in, but would never think about cheating.

  4. Dianne S. says:

    Harvard students cheating: what course were they taking? “Introduction to Congress.”

    Like they say, to err is human…to forgive divine, right?

  5. Scott Thunder says:

    David Henderson gives a thumbs up to Clint Eastwood.

    Who wouldn’t? May that speech he gave serves as a reminder that politicians, whether for or against the government, do not own this country, nor its people. They are elected by the people, and just like that, they can be revoked if they fail to do their job and fail to live up to their promises.
    His speech was probably the most to the point and formidable one that I’ve heard in the past couple of years. And he is only a “celebrity”…

  6. Dan O. says:

    Hurray for Eastwood!

  7. Nichole says:

    A university is only as strong as its weakest link.

  8. Sarah Crow says:

    I wonder how credible this new university idea is? Can you actually get a degree from here?

    I understand their point on affordability, accessibility and so forth, those are very valid arguments…but can they really offer the quality to compete with all the major universities already out there? If I was an employer I know it wouldn’t be too hard for me to choose between a graduate from this online program and a graduate from any other already established university, especially when all their courses are taught online. There needs to be a balance. Besides being able to manage your own time at your convenience and not having to sit in a classroom for hours, online courses don’t really offer that many advantages as compared to in-class lectures. That’s just my opinion.

  9. Johnny Porter says:

    It’s astounding how little high school students know about the US government upon graduation.

  10. August says:

    I really like Clint Eastwood’s speech. Did you notice how his stumbling stopped after he dropped the GOP platform?

    His message that America is ours, that there is no “us and them”, was the bright spot in a political climate awash with negativity.

  11. Robert says:

    My thoughts on Harvard:

    A) Exams at Harvard are take home, open book, open note, open computer? That seems fairly easy.

    B) In spite of all the luxuries afforded to them, the students STILL felt the need to cheat?

    C) Now, here’s the kicker, they can’t even cheat and get away with it?!

    Best and brightest, indeed. Hello, future leaders of America!