This is a Bombshell: CBO Will Score Senate Finance’s Health Care Bill Over 20 Years
As previously reported, once Obama Care is fully phased in, it will cost $2 trillion, not $1 trillion. The bill writers have been playing tricks with the ten-year window to make things add up. With a 20-year budget window, there is no way the bill will ever be budget neutral.
Wonderful news. Is the CBO on our side?
This really is incredible.
[…] anticipated taxpayer costs; fewer than anticipated people insured. We have previously reported on budget shenanigans, designed to disguise the true cost of health reform. Insider leaks now reveal that even with these […]
[…] taxpayer costs. As with all the other health reform bills on Capitol Hill, the Reid bill engages in budget shenanigans, designed to disguise the true cost of health reform. For example, the bill starts collecting new […]