The SCOTUS/ObamaCare Edition

Comments (7)

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  1. Brian Williams. says:

    Happy second birthday, Obamacare. See you in court next week!

  2. Marvin says:

    Well put, Mr. Williams. Well put!!

  3. Brian says:

    30 percent is going to hit people hard.

  4. Aurelius says:

    ###Pollack remains unfazed by that argument. If the penalties aren’t strong enough, he said, “that can be corrected.”###

    Ron Pollack is scary. Unfortunately, many of our bureaucrats think like he does on that one.

  5. Joe Barnett says:

    Supporters of the law should hope the mandate is struck down — that way they can blame all the bad things that are about to happen on the Supreme Court. The next step will be “Medicare for all” anyway.

  6. Studebaker says:

    Gruber reverses course: ObamaCare will increase premiums by 19-30 percent.

    What gives? Did the Administration’s check bounce?

  7. Eric says:

    re: the Gruber comments, he provided some clarification on them here:

    Basically, average premiums go up because sick people who couldn’t buy insurance previously are now able to, and because benefits are increasing. For plans with the same benefits packages, premiums would actually fall.