The Opposite of Noblesse Oblige

Nearly 98 percent of 13,000 doctors and nurses have witnessed bad behavior on the part of their colleagues. Examples: Doctors flinging surgical instruments at co-workers in a fit of anger. One doctor tried to stuff a nurse head-first into a trash container. Insults, accusations of incompetence and yelling were the most common complaints — often occurring in front of patients and their families.

Comments (3)

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  1. Stephen C. says:

    (a) the environment is stressful, (b) the personnel are continually harassed by third-party payers and hospital administrators, (c) everyone is under constant threat of lawsuits, and (d) the patients are not the real customers anyway (the third-party payers are).

    So I have some symphathy. At least it’s understandable.

  2. Devon Herrick says:

    I suppose this type of behavior occurs in all industries. It’s a little naive to assume medical personnel are somehow above petty bickering.

  3. Neil H. says:

    The health care system is beginning to sound like the Postal Service.