Smart People More Likely to Binge Drink, and Other News
Smart people are more likely to binge drink. “Very dull” people almost never get drunk, whereas very bright” people get drunk once every month or so.
Can talking on your cell phone be useful in treating depression?
Autopsies: Half of “Alzheimer’s patients” did not have the disease.
For marital satisfaction, husbands should be fatter than wives.
Talking on the phone while driving makes some people less likely to get in an accident.
First item is an oxymoron. It’s not smart to binge drink.
Not true Brucy!! Have you never heard of the philosopher drinking song??
The finding on binge drinking is counterintuitive.
It’s also surprising that half of people thought to have Alzheimer’s had a different form of dementia.
The Binge drinking claim is the worst kind of junk science. One variable that the subject survey doesn’t control for (unlike other childhood characteristics that are)is the incidence of untreated childhood depression. Most childhood depression is undiagnosed and untreated, but has implications for adult drug abuse, addiction etc.
I’ve been in a room of bright people who begin drinking. Before long, they become very dull.
Ah the burdens of intellectual capacity! Might the smart people drink to level the playing field in the room?