Four-Year-Old Sued for Bicycle Accident, and Other Links

Four-year-old sued for bicycle accident. Did he act as a reasonable four-year-old would have acted under…?

Best place to store vitamins. It’s not the medicine cabinet.

Is a barbershop a good place to check blood pressure? In some African American communities apparently, yes.

Dental therapists can practice “safe, competent, appropriate” dentistry. At least in Alaska.

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  1. Tom H. says:

    Let’s get those four-year olds!

  2. Ken says:

    I say, free the dental therapists.

  3. Devon Herrick says:

    Several states are looking at the idea of allowing dental therapists to exercise greater autonomy. I believe this hold the potential since the poor often forgo dental care due to its cost.

  4. Nancy says:

    What trial lawyers do for a living is sue people. So why should we be surprised that one is suing a four-year-old? One of these days they will probable sue frozen embryos.

  5. Bruce says:

    Four-year-old? Give me a break.

  6. Virginia says:

    The best place to store vitamins? At the grocery store. Most of them are useless anyway, and you save money by not buying a bottle of pills that you will take for a week and then forget about.

    Or am I the only one that has survived for her whole life without taking a multivitamin?