Don’t Eat That Salad! It’s Bad for You; Bad for the Planet!

According to an article in the Washington Post, “There’s one food, though, that has almost nothing going for it. It occupies precious crop acreage, requires fossil fuels to be shipped, refrigerated, around the world, and adds nothing but crunch to the plate.”

The culprit is the ubiquitous salad. As any meat-eater will tell you, salads are worthless and should be banned from the dinner table! Salad vegetables are very low in nutrition. Salads mislead dieters and fools them into loading up on high fat additives to make them palatable. Salads are also the chief source of vegetable food waste; about one billion pounds of uneaten salads are “tossed” out annually. Salad is also a vector for food-borne diseases; nearly one-quarter of food poisonings are from salads.

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  1. Devon Herrick says:

    The author of the Washington Post article, Tamar Haspel, has a link to another article defending field corn. Apparently, field corn can easily produce 15 million calories per acre. Spinach and broccoli produce only 2 million to 2.5 million calories per acre. Basically, if you’re going to fatten cows and pigs, it makes sense to do it with corn rather than iceberg lettuce (which is 96 percent water).

  2. Barnstormer says:

    Really? Lettuce weep. I couldn’t carrot less because it doesn’t mater to me. Leaf it alone.