Why Women Live Longer than Men, and Other Links

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  1. mb says:

    The 2nd and 4th could be related, caffeine is an mTOR inhibitor

  2. Vicki says:

    The Darwinian reason women outlive men is that they are the superior sex.

  3. Rusty says:

    How do I get my gene changed?

  4. James says:

    “If a mitochondrial mutation occurs that harms fathers, but has no effect on mothers, this mutation will slip through the gaze of natural selection, unnoticed. Over thousands of generations, many such mutations have accumulated that harm only males, while leaving females unscathed.”

    I’m sure genetic engineers are attempting to fix that mutation.

  5. Dewaine says:

    “There is a Darwinian reason why women outlive men.”

    I didn’t realize that incessant nagging was genetic.

  6. Dewaine says:

    “Is four cups of coffee a day really good for the liver?”

    Addiction wins again!

  7. Dewaine says:

    “Why I may need more personal space than you do.”

    I could’ve told you that and wouldn’t have charge for it either.

  8. Dewaine says:

    “Lifespan could increase by 20 percent with one gene change.”

    Interesting. I am wary of the side effects, but this could provide valuable gains.