What Causes Lighting Strikes, and Other Links

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  1. Tomas says:

    “Why is there lightning? Nobody really knows.”

    I’ve been trying to figure this out for a long time.

  2. Tomas says:

    “The critics and the general public disagree about films. Biggest gap: romantic comedies and horror movies.”

    I’ll go with horror movies, although within the last couple of decades, these haven’t been good.

  3. Bolton says:

    “Post advises NSA analysts that “while we do want to provide our FAA overseers with the information they need, we DO NOT want to give them any extraneous information.””

    Secret secrets

  4. Tracy says:

    “when these high-energy particles happen to go through a thundercloud, they ionize the air inside it and create a region with a lot of free electrons, which collide with atoms in the air and produce even more electrons: that is a runaway breakdown”

    Cool thinking

    • William says:

      “we know that every storm cloud has tiny charged ice particles called hydrometeors”

      I learnt something new.

  5. Wallace says:

    Interesting post on porn and pornstars

    “Porn is mostly populated by people who aren’t victims, who have made thoughtful choices, and who won’t be climaxing with regret.”

  6. Buster says:

    Movie critics are notorious for liking boring, offbeat movies with too much dialog. Show them something that they’ve never seen before and they are especially giddy. The only use I have for critics’ movie reviews is to ensure a show I’ve never heard about is at least not made in a slipshod way. That doesn’t mean I will like a movie that’s received positive reviews. Nor does it mean I won’t like one that’s been given poor reviews.

  7. Ashley says:

    “When ACA was passed we got a $350 rebate check from our insurance companies and our premiums went down $60… The law works.”

    I think this is a pretty simplified version of what actually happend

    • August says:

      Exactly, because it is a 30 second propaganda ad. But on the plus side it is paying for your TV.