We Have More Intelligence Genes than We Thought, and Other News Items

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  1. Virginia says:

    I think addiction science is a really fascinating new horizon. We don’t understand nearly enough about it, and we stand to gain a great deal if we can understand it.

  2. Simon says:

    “More than 90 percent of respondents said they plan on passing some of the additional costs on to their employees through higher employee contributions to health plans or by reducing plan coverage but most (57 percent) said they would not consider dropping health plan coverage for their employees.”

    So in other words salaries will drop for most employees, and potentially 43% of employers would consider dropping health care coverage for their employees? Sounds great, where do I sign up?

  3. Vicki says:

    The item on marriage is surprising.

  4. Joe S. says:

    Afghanistan numbers are truly shocking.