TVs In Waiting Rooms, and Other Links

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  1. Brian says:

    If they try to cure the “common cold”, I predict that we will see the rhinovirus mutate partly as a result of people overusing the antiviral compound and partly as a result of…….well, nature.

  2. Brian says:

    One acronym can be used to describe the entire federal healthcare reform agenda: “EP”.

    EP, of course, stands for Epic Fail.

  3. Devon Herrick says:

    Curing the common cold would be one of the most productivity-boosting breakthroughs imaginable. However, there are dozens of pathogens that can cause cold-like symptoms, so I wonder which version of the cold they are trying to cure?

  4. Studebaker says:

    Should TVs be in waiting rooms?

    What a stupid question? Whose business is it other than the doctors’ whether they decide to install a television set in their waiting room? For all I care, they can install a cappuccino machine and serve Jello Shots from a vodka bar located next to a trampoline surrounded by razor wire.

    Besides, the programming on waiting room televisions always sucks. The only real purpose the waiting room television serves is to provide the impression you are actually interested in it so you have an excuse not to acknowledge or talk to the other people waiting in the waiting room (who are probably pretending to be watching TV to avoid having to talk to you).

  5. Brian says:

    LOL @ studebaker.

  6. Matt says:

    Couldn’t help but smirk at the ObamaCare one.