Treating Patients via Computer, and Other Links

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  1. Buster says:

    That stands to reason. McKinsey & Co. was criticized when it issued a report that said 30% of the firms it surveyed stood to gain by dropping the company health plan. If one-third of employees work for firms with 50 workers or less, that means that one-third would be better off dropping their health plan. The only exception would be firms with a disproportionate percentage of highly-paid professionals.

  2. Jordan says:

    “The reforms would save £2.9billion “almost immediately” and improve the lives of most patients, for example by avoiding the need to find child care during appointments, Health Minister. Dr Dan Poulter said last week.”

    Regardless of tele-health studies.. seriously?
    This was the advantage they chose to go for?

  3. seyyed says:

    i see a trend of articles that talk about email or skype now replacing doctor visits and i find that a little bit troubling. I doubt it will be sustainable because nothing can replace the face to face interaction with a doctor, in a doctor’s office. Emailing or skyping will likely result in more cases of misdiagnosis.

  4. Andrew says:

    Agreed with Seyyed. This will not only become an inconvenience in the long run, but, as they link says it itself, it may put lives at risk. It may seem like a viable, comfortable and convenient option at first glance, but I can already think of too many things that could go wrong with this approach. This not only opens doors for misunderstandings and miscommunication between patients and physicians due to the lack of face-to-face interaction, but it will indeed lead to a potential misdiagnosis which in the long run will be tremendously troublesome for the patient.

  5. Cindy says:

    Maybe, but the issue that presents itself is that so many minor conditions require office visits these days. A sinus infection, strep throat, stomach viruses, etc. are all relatively minor. The same is true for chronic conditions that require semi-regular check-ups (asthma, allergies, etc.)

    If all a doctor is doing is confirming a diagnosis or checking in on patient progress, I think it’s great. Honestly, if I had a dollar for every time I went to the doctor and left thinking something along the lines of “… but they barely did anything.” I’d be rich.

    The doc can always request in-person follow ups if conditions don’t improve or if someone they’re following for a chronic issue has a complication.

  6. Thomas says:

    Innovative idea. Most day-to-day issues definitely are not drop-in worthy.

  7. August says:

    “We used Cox proportional hazard regression models to estimate relative risks of all-cause, CVD and cancer mortality in 8061 adults.

    I wish I knew what that meant.