Combating Obesity in the Supermarket, and Other Links

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  1. James says:

    “grocery carts carried a strip of yellow duct tape that divided the baskets neatly in half; a flier instructed shoppers to put their fruits and vegetables in the front half of the cart. Average produce sales per customer jumped to $8.85 from $3.99.”

    Absolutely genius method of getting consumers to buy more produce and vegetables. By implying a simple suggestion that their junkfood outweighs their healthyfood the consumer is suggested to fill the other side. The problem with childhood obesity lies with the parents, and by getting them to change even slightly will change the culture for their young children.

    • JD says:

      It is pretty smart, hopefully consumers recognize the benefits and reward this kind of behavior.

      • Studebaker says:

        I personally favor a graphical depiction of the obesity risk on each food product. The fruits and vegetable section could feature a silhouette of a slender attractive women. The pork & beans isle could have a cartoon caricature of a rotund person — sort of like the universal designator for men and women on public restrooms.

        The caption should read… “you are what you eat!”

  2. Bubba says:

    The least likely buyer of (ObamaCare insurance) is not young. He is older, wealthier and healthier.

    This makes sense. The young probably don’t even know there is an ObamaCare. When they find out, they’ll likely support it because they will only have heard the soundbites rather than the fact they’re expected to pay extra so older, richer folks get a sweetheart deal.

    • La Vaca says:

      Except that ObamaCare is based on the idea that the young will pay for the old..just like social security, and most young people are not going to pay for it…

  3. Brian says:

    That congressman is not very smart. Him dropping out of congressional healthcare doesn’t help the GOP’s case against ObamaCare…

    • Drew says:

      Exactly! He is making his healthcare worse for no purpose…

      • Nigel says:

        This is why it is so hard to take the GOP seriously.

      • Joe Barnett says:

        In addition to his congressional pay of $186,000+, the congressman gets a living allowance, a travel allowance, and an office allowance. He’s a “1 percenter” — and he’s saving taxpayers about $15,000 per year in health insurance subsidies.

    • Dewaine says:

      I think that it more of personal political move. He’s trying to ingratiate himself to his district by “being one of them”.

  4. Christina says:

    It’s good that hospitals in NC are becoming more transparent it helps competition and accountability, and it will make them more prosperous as far as health goes.

    • JD says:

      Probably true, it always good for customers to have information, I just worry about the unintended affects of rigid legislation.

  5. Sammy says:

    “GOP congressman opts out of federal health plan”

    -I would opt out as well if I had the choice.

  6. Tim says:

    “The least likely buyer of (ObamaCare insurance) is not young. He is older, wealthier and healthier.”

    -That’s because he can afford to pay the penalty and seek top notch care when he needs it.