Shopping Does You Good, and Other Links

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  1. Saul says:

    “sadness triggers an implicit goal to obtain rewards as soon as possible – even when such urgency comes at financial cost.”

    This seems to be true in most scenarios. But is it the financial transaction that is the primary tensions release, or the fact that purchasing and looking to purchase items removes the buyers mind from the trama that occured?

  2. Studebaker says:

    Injured patients are more likely to survive if intoxicated; however, intoxicated people are more likely to injure themselves.

    I’m in a quandary. I don’t know whether I should be proactive and drink in preparation for the unlikely event that I injure myself; or not drink to boost my chances of not getting injured!

    Maybe I should not drink but carry a flask with me in the event I injure myself a need a quick drink!

  3. August says:

    New ideas for medical treatment:

    “Friedman says it’s important for clinicians to recognize intoxicated patients but also to understand how alcohol might affect the course of treatment. Further research into the biomechanism of the protective phenomenon is needed, he said.

    If the mechanism behind the protective effect were understood, “we could then treat patients post-injury, either in the field or when they arrive at the hospital, with drugs that mimic alcohol,” he said.”

  4. Buster says:

    New study on retail therapy finds shopping relieves sadness.

    Maybe it’s morea ccurate to say shopping delays sadness… until the credit card bills come due and you cannot pay the accumulated balances!

  5. Louise says:

    No one’s into the full moon one? My mom always used to say “it must be a full moon” when people were acting strange. I suppose I should forward this to her.

  6. Kyle says:


    I just heard the winning argument for the ACA. Copays are SURELY cheaper than my average bar tab.

  7. Erica says:


    I don’t think the financial transaction brings any satisfaction to the sad buyer, unless we are talking about amazing Black Friday deals that save you hundreds and hundreds of dollars. If anything, it would be the fact that shopping distracts you from whatever concerns you have, but what most people don’t realize is that this is just a temporary relief. Then comes the headache of paying your credit cards…and that, my friend, saddens us all!

  8. Johny says:

    Injured patients are more likely to survive if intoxicated; however, intoxicated people are more likely to injure themselves.

    This made me laugh! And, Studebaker, your analysis complements it well. I feel the same way.

  9. Wasif Huda says:

    Shopping does you good, yes, but “getting into debt” does you bad.