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  1. Webster says:

    It is surprisingly difficult to suppress a comment about the dem politicians and that Khimm article.

  2. August says:

    We often decry the employer based insurance system as a remnant of WW2 tax loop holes, a bane to worker mobility, and an inefficient burden on employers.

    Why does the weakening of the employer-insurance bind have to be a bad thing? If the exchanges can be made to work, or a more competitive insurance market is installed, it can promote consumer choice and raise wages.

  3. George Wallaceberg says:

    Is it really that surprising that a Democrat is telling his employees what every person with common sense already knew?

  4. Alex says:

    And yet I bet you can find that same Senator echoing President Obama’s statement that if you like your insurance you can keep it.

  5. bart says:

    Regarding animal research: I see they finally found a use for chihuahuas.

    Regarding employer plans: Isn’t the existence of exchanges the real incentive for dumping, and not the size of the penalty? After all, the pre-ACA penalty is zero.

    Well, not exactly, since Kerry is losing a tax exclusion worth 40-50 percent of the $7,000, depending on his state’s income tax structure. So the real penalty for dumping could be closer to $3500 + $2000 = $5500. Plus the increased wages (and payroll taxes) he has to pay to keep his employees from walking.

    Exchange policies must carry some hefty subsidies to make this worth pursuing. I just wish I could figure out the exact value of those subsidies.

  6. Julianna T. says:

    Female snakes reproducing without male snakes around? Pretty interesting!

  7. Jason Hunter says:

    Are dogs better research subjects than lab rats?

    …Dogs, horses, sheep and pigs?…If they are looking for animals anatomically similar to human beings, then why not use monkeys?

  8. Haylee says:

    Virgin births are possible — for snakes. HT: Suzy Khimm.

    I wonder what measures would be taken if this ever started happening to human beings.

  9. Hillary Watson says:

    I agree with Jason. I suppose this is what dogs get for being a “man’s best friend”…scary.