People without Cars Less Likely to Marry, and Other News

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  1. Carolyn Needham says:

    The first post makes me wonder what Siri will bring…

  2. Devon Herrick says:

    The finding that people without cars are less likely to find someone to marry should not come as a surprise to any high school student.

  3. Buster says:

    Your car’s PGS is making you bad at finding your way around without one. Your spell check is making you bad at spelling. Your calculator is making your bad at math. Television probably reduces reading skills too. Yet, all of this doesn’t not make me long for the good ol’ days when none of these amenities were available.

  4. Brian says:

    I have successfully avoided using GPS since it became available. What really annoys me is that GPS is included in most new cars now (if I’m not mistaken), so people are pretty much reliant on it. People should informed by the dealerships that they have the option of having it put in upon request.

    Also, if there is a moderately bad solar flare or a systematic mass attack on our satellites and GPS gets wiped out, there will be a lot of lost people people and truckers on the road.

  5. Virginia says:

    I used to do a lot of traveling for work, and I hated the GPS devices. They work fine if you’re in an area where you only need to visit one or two places, but my job required that I really know my location. I always stopped and bought a street map and used that for navigation, even if there was a GPS in the car.

    Now that I’m not doing all of that traveling, I’m still reluctant to buy one and prefer to navigate using the map on my phone (no directions mode, just pure map!). I suppose I’m a little old-fashioned that way.