Not Enough Doctors, and Other Links

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  1. La'fonda says:

    I would rather be scared to death than euthanized.

  2. Baker says:

    I’m sure we’ll see some cases of stress cardiomyopathy when the election results are announced!

  3. August says:

    Some information on poverty and welfare from The Economist.

    “Over half of all entitlement spending flows to the elderly and around 40% is spent on health care. The poor do not get much of a look-in. Around 10% of the total goes to the richest fifth of Americans, almost 60% to the middle three-fifths and only 30% to the poorest fifth.” –

    So the $60,000 should be more like $18,000 per poor household

  4. Josefine H. says:

    Can you be scared to death?

    This reminded me of a story I just recently heard this past weekend (since we just enjoyed Hallooween festivities I figured I would mention it)…apparently there was a woman who died of a heart attack at a haunted house founded in New Orleans, Louisiana, due to a heart attack. I’m not sure how accurate this information is, but I do know that there are many people aware of their weak health condition and still submit themselves to exptreme activities dangerous to their health. If you know you have a weak heart, stay away from haunted houses!

  5. Darren says:

    More than 80 percent of all Dutch family doctors, according to a recent large study, report that they have performed euthanasia at least once.

    It’s your life, you should have the right to decide what to do with it….especially under extreme circumstances.

  6. Jimmy says:

    I’ve heard the same thing Josefine. A bit of advive, if you have a heart condition and scare easy, do not go to a haunted house.

  7. Buster says:

    Doctor shortages in Las Vegas and Detroit? and Can you be scared to death?

    I can easily imagine how middle-aged men could be scared to death. They fly to Las Vegas for a sales conference. The day before they are scheduled to return home, they sober up and come to the realization they have to go home and explain to their wife they: 1) lost the family retirement at the Black Jack table. 2) have mysteriously acquired a tattoo with some other women’s name on their backside. They have a heart attack and die waiting for a doctor, because there’s a doctor shortage in Las Vegas. This is all very scary!

  8. Alex says:

    A Doctor shortage in Detriot isn’t suprising since they have a shortage of basic civilization, but finding that in Las Vegas is surprising.

  9. Paul says:

    “More than 80 percent of all Dutch family doctors, according to a recent large study, report that they have performed euthanasia at least once.”

    That’s horrifyingly high.

  10. Jordan says:

    There definitely wasn’t enough information in that weekly standard article. It looked like the Senate was just dividing ALL transfer payments by the the number of people in poverty.

  11. Robert says:

    Hahahah @Buster.