MLR Results in Increased Profits, and Other Links

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  1. Tara Smith says:

    “Doctors are nicer to thinner patients.”

    You would think they’d be nicer to more over-weight patients as they would assumingly get sicker and provide more business for doctors…I would think.

  2. Renald Rum says:

    “Doctors are nicer to thinner patients.”

    The article mentions the only real difference found was in rapport, which was still a slight difference. I think this is just a social construct and has little to do with doctor’s perception on heavier people and more with how society in general treats this demographic.

  3. Renald Rum says:

    “Reihan Salam on Goodman. (Spot on.)”

    Great post by Reihan and I enjoy his television appearances on CNN from time to time.

  4. Gabriel Odom says:

    Everyone is nicer to thinner people. How is this surprising?

  5. Jack says:

    The National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance will be up in arms about this.

    No seriously, check them out.

  6. Harley says:

    Lol Jack. R.I.P horizontal equity.

    See what I did there? I used it two ways.. an economics term and naafa.

    ..get it?

  7. Patel says:

    @Doctors nice to thin patients

    I am not surprised. Overweight individuals get judged ever where in society, and so, the medical practice is not immune of this.

  8. Tim says:

    Jack, thanks for that information. Needed a good laugh.

  9. H. James Prince says:

    Harley, I approve of the pun.

  10. Collin Jr. says:

    Doctors are nicer to thinner patients.

    Seriously?! I would think that out of all people, doctors would be the ones to be more understanding and sympathetic towards fat/obese people. When we associate this behavior from physicians with the psychology behind it and how it may affect these people/patients, then it totally makes sense why obese people stay obese, and not so obese people get fatter. Stress, rejection, judgment, etc, are factors that play key roles on how some people may react to their weight and how they decide to go about it. When these people perceive rejection even from their own physicians, who our of all people should understand what these people are going through and how this affects them, then it only makes sense for them to get worse. This is quite frightening, and not fair for fat people.