Human Brains and Computers, and Other Links

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  1. seyyed says:

    interested to see what humans can learn and use from the fungi research

  2. Studebaker says:

    Some fungi appear to be immortal.

    The researchers could probably use my refrigerator as a research project on the like of fungi!

    From the typical opening distance of 23 inches “the [Champagne] cork needs less than 0.05 seconds to reach the eye.”

    I don’t even want to think of the kind of idiot who shoots himself in the eye with a champagne cork.

  3. Buster says:

    Wellness tourism: It costs $106 billion a year.

    I wonder how much sickness tourism costs? I doubt you will find that advertised on travel brochures for Mexico and Southeast Asia!

  4. August says:

    “If we can store human memories in artificial brain structures, the implications are enormous”

    Perhaps something similar to this:

  5. Life of Pi says:

    @ the Wellness Tourism Article, seems to me like Eat, Pray and Love had a big impact on social behaviors.

  6. Neil Caffrey says:

    “How humans will become robots.”
    – this has been inevitable for years!