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  1. Bart I. says:

    So the ACA is approximately the same length as the entire U.S. Tax Code? I wonder if written regulations are on par as well?

  2. Joe.Barnett says:

    The slam against the traditional, multiple-choice SAT test is that it measures test-taking ability. But answering questions that don’t require specific knowledge, but rather the ability to reason and make educated guesses — otherwise known as problem-solving — is exactly what a predictive test like the SAT is supposed to do. SAT and PSAT scores correlate closely with IQ and are predictive of college success.
    Essays, on the other hand, can only be graded subjectively.

  3. Howard says:

    I agree with the third one:

    “SAT tests are really IQ tests; contrary to conventional wisdom, they predict college performance reasonably well; and prep courses matter very little.”

    Prep courses only help with test taking strategies.

  4. P. Philips says:

    “But answering questions that don’t require specific knowledge, but rather the ability to reason and make educated guesses — otherwise known as problem-solving — is exactly what a predictive test like the SAT is supposed to do.”
    Agreed! Standardized test score is just a basic criteria to judge individual academic capability. We should combine essays (journal articles) and test scores together.

  5. Jacob says:

    From my point of view, I do not value the SAT/GRE/GMAT scores very much although students with a higher test score are basically smart.

  6. Mike says:

    In med world today anything is possible. Guess all you need is just a bit of free thinking and that one protein can work magic.