Hits and Misses

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  1. Nancy says:

    “Fake knee surgery just as good as the real thing.”

    I agree that surgical rates in the United States are probably way higher than they should be.

  2. Grace says:

    “Sense of self-worth boosts IQ by several points and helps people escape poverty.”

    Very true. We need to empower Americans and make them feel worthy so that they can prosper.

    • Grace says:

      Instead, we throw federal money at them, which reinforces the idea that they cannot make money on their own.

      • Roger says:

        On the whole, Americans are over-medicated and over-treated. That is an avenue to cut health care costs.

  3. Lori says:

    We need some type of mental health reform in the USA.

  4. Mary says:

    Women who vote Democratic based purely on social issues really hinder this country. At this present time, abortion is not as important an issue as health care or the state of the economy. So why do women choose to sacrifice their economic and physical well being for one social issue that probably doesn’t even apply to them?

  5. James says:

    That final article is confusing.

    “They were also more likely to seek out information on aid services from the local government.”

    So, the sense of self worth encourages people to seek government assistance? How is that beneficial?

  6. Bennett says:

    “44% of large employers have on-site health care for their employees.”

    Once again, businesses attempt to maintain quality while controlling costs. Government-run health care seems to lose quality while costs spiral upward.

  7. Missy says:

    Always enjoyable; thanks for posting!

  8. Bob Hertz says:

    It is good to have this blog back in business again, as this is a very important time for health policy.

    You have two very important articles here:

    1. opposition of women to ObamaCare

    although the NY Post is not holy writ, in anything, their point is interesting.

    The actual ACA law is chock full of gifts to the women’s lobbies. Contraception was just one example.

    Classic sloppiness by the Sibelius crew if they have since alienated their base!

    2. ER use by mentally ill

    There is a solution here. Make Emergency Rooms into federal facilities and give them a lump sum to operate each year.

    Treat ER’s like fire departments or police stations.

    This will relieve the tortured accounting that now goes on.

    Of course the above is just a sketch but I can go into details.

  9. Jimbino says:

    Fake medical care in general is as good or better than the real thing. The real thing can maim or kill you, and it often does.

    I have used hypnotism to help people. I would say “cure” them, but then the doc monopoly would want to imprison me for “practice of medicine without a license.” Damn them!