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  1. Lucas says:

    “The 56% of U.S. adults who now say it is not the federal government’s responsibility to make sure all Americans have healthcare coverage continues to reflect a record high. Prior to 2009, a clear majority of Americans consistently had said the government should take responsibility for ensuring that all Americans have healthcare.”

    While this is true, the amount of people who thought healthcare was an immediate priority was dreadfully low. In fact, it was near last.

  2. Trent says:

    “Democrats, who controlled Congress, were not about to be outbid by Reagan when it came to a core constituency like retirees.”


  3. Lucas says:

    “If India were to take its place at the heart of a loose Anglosphere network, based on free trade and military alliance, the future would suddenly look a great deal brighter.”

    Am I the only one frightened by India?

  4. Lucas says:

    Even if they do, India is more middle of the road. They also contain nuclear power.