Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

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  1. seyyed says:

    at least they can appeal their termination after getting the flu shot.

  2. Buster says:

    The type of person who would eat an extra 2,000 calories on Thanksgiving Day is probably not the type to walk 17 miles in order to burn off the excess calories. By contrast, the type of people who would work to burn off the excess calories are probably not the type who would eat 2,000 excess calories. Go figure!

  3. Jordan says:

    The Rice article:
    “Today’s Karl Marx is Iran.”

    Uh, no.

    Very intelligent woman, but she should stick to Russia.

  4. Studebaker says:

    To burn off those extra [Thanksgiving dinner] 2,000 calories, a 180-pound person would have to walk briskly (about 3.5 miles an hour on a level surface) for 5 hours or more.

    I once had a friend from Thailand, who didn’t fully understand the concept of Thanksgiving. He told me… “I had turkey on Thanksgiving… Wild Turkey…” Alas, he was referring to the American liquor, Bourbon whiskey, a concept he understood very well.

  5. Spencer says:

    To burn off those extra [Thanksgiving dinner] 2,000 calories, a 180-pound person would have to walk briskly (about 3.5 miles an hour on a level surface) for 5 hours or more.

    If you ask anybody, most of them will probably agree that Thanksgiving is THE time of the year to eat like you have been starving for weeks. Enjoy your holiday and eat all the food you want. Then you can worry about getting rid of all those extra pounds.

  6. Charlotte says:

    Company fires 150 employees for not getting flu shots.

    Where did our freedom to chose go? Some people don’t get flu shots because they simply don’t believe in them, or perhaps for religious reasons, or personal reasons…who knows. It seems it’s either their way or the highway. How bizarre.

  7. seyyed says:

    @jordan: i think the point was that Iran is trying to win an ideological battle in the middle east, get people on its side to prevail against the west

  8. Jordan says:

    @seyyed She was claiming a theocracy was pushing for an end to the “false consciousness” and arab nationalism in the middle east. Interesting considering that they are trying to laterally polarize arabs, sure, Marx, yay. But since it’s sectarian, religious, and supported financially by a social elite? No.

  9. August says:

    The Case of the Vanishing Memo is definitely the best piece this week.

    It has real analysis: “This paper will analyze current US Copyright Law by examining three myths on copyright law and possible reforms to copyright law that will lead to more economic development for the private sector and to a copyright law that is more firmly based upon constitutional principles.”

    And provides a window into the influence of lobbyists: “Khanna’s supervisors seem to have paid too much attention to the merits of the memo and not enough to the larger politics when vetting it. According to Mike Masnick at TechDirt, when news of the memo filtered out to the Motion Picture Association of America and Recording Industry Association of America, those organizations “went ballistic and hit the phones hard, demanding that the RSC take down the report.”