Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

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  1. G. King says:

    There is no reason to blame the internal issues. They should pay more attention on the quality.

  2. Matthew says:

    “We’ve seen a massive uptick just since Monday at our call center… I think people are starting to feel that urgency.”

    Or they watched “Between Two Ferns” with the President on as a guest, causing the most traffic the exchanges have seen since the site went live.

  3. Thomas says:

    They shouldn’t be surprised that Obamacare enrollees are under the goal. Many factors affected this problem, with it only being highlighted by the governments inadequacies.

    • Jay says:

      The states that wanted Obamacare to pass are struggling to get people to sign up. Hilarious.

  4. Andrew says:

    “…making it likely the Obama administration again will have to extend the program or risk seeing sick people lose coverage.”

    They keep extending the program, but something has to give eventually. Continuing on extensions is no solution. It just shows how flawed the system was.

    • Bill B. says:

      And this goes on the continuous long list of programs related to Obamacare that has had to been extended. They keeping saying it works so well, but I see no evidence of that.

  5. Walter Q. says:

    “An ObamaCare co-op is capturing most of the customers on the Maine exchange, but is it destined to go bankrupt?”

    Yes. Probably. None of the co-ops for health insurance coverage are not very stable, with many that have shut down already. It is just a matter of time. It would certainly be a shame for the collapse of the Maine exchange when it captures most of customers for that state.

    • James M. says:

      “You can read this development in two ways. One is as the surprising success of an innovative business model. And the other is as a potential fiscal disaster.”

      I’ll take the latter.