Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

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  1. Lukas P says:

    That was a good interview, you could see President Obama getting mad and trying very hard not to let his anger burst, he was close though. It was nice to see him unconfutable for once, normally the president knows how to answer every question he is asked.

    • Jan F says:

      That is the good thing about being interviewed by Zach Galifianakis. He is irreverent and famous for his attitude, thus any out of tone answer given by the president will harm him significantly. While the actor could ask almost anything, like “how does it feel to be the last black President?”

    • Lacey says:

      I think that was an act. You know, like the spider bite thing. It’s part of the show.

  2. Lacey says:

    43 percent? There’s no way that’s a good number.

  3. Ava says:

    If you can just opt out, why are we all so upset about the mandate?

  4. Mary says:

    Because originally that wasn’t an option. Then they said you could opt out for the first few years. Now, they’ve extended that for another two.