Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

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  1. sissi says:

    As always..inefficiency..

  2. Juan T says:

    It was suspected that Obamacare would increase waiting time in the ER. We are seeing the effects of something that was predicted to happen once ACA started. It is an unintended consequence that was expected to occur. It was a matter of when.

  3. Felix K says:

    If 56 percent of the uninsured don’t like the new law, why should we expect them to enroll? These are the target individuals; it should be them who support this bill. This just reflects that this legislation piece was part of a political maneuver, but that doesn’t have actual results.

  4. Chris P says:

    Republicans hate Obamacare, but they are not capable of coming up with a replacement. This shows that perhaps it is better something than nothing.

  5. George Z says:

    Republicans cannot criticize ACA daily and not present an alternative. I don’t think Obamacare is good, at all, but at least is an attempt to make things better. What are the Republicans doing? Nothing.

  6. Bob Hertz says:

    Yves Smith had a good article in Naked Capitalist 12-19 on why some of the uninsured do not like the ACA.

    The reasons include:

    a. premiums are still unaffordable. If you surviving on $30,000 a year, then $3000 a year for insurance may indeed be unaffordable.

    b. lack of access to the internet

    The ACA is totally tech-oriented.

    c. High deductibles in ACA plans. If you have no savings, then paying $3000 a year for a $5000 deductible seems like a waste of money. If you need care, you would just go broke sooner.

    What the uninsured want is free health insurance. I do not blame them. There are millions of persons in America with free health insurance from their employers, or a combination of Medicare with an employer paid supplemental plan.

    • Perry says:

      I don’t think I would call it free health insurance, someone is paying for it, the employee, the employer or taxpayers.