Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

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  1. John R. Graham says:

    With respect to the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation, this blog ran an previous entry that highlighted an op-ed in the WSJ describing one executives experience with the Center, which he described as another “pork barrel” (http://healthblog.ncpathinktank.org/obamacares-grant-making/).

    One problem for the Center is that it was funded in the stimulus act for ten years, but there is no more money forthcoming. So, it has to invest all its resources in buying friends in Washington. It cannot afford to fund research that might actually poke bears and dragons with sticks and attract negative attention.

    For the next ten years, it has to be seen as a team player in Washington, and not threaten anyone. This will increase its likelihood of further funding. So, we cannot expect that it will take the risk of pointing out where waste actually exists, and how to reduce it.

  2. Hal says:

    “Mr. Orr was hired last March to fix Detroit’s finances. He has said Detroit’s debt is at least $18 billion and filed for bankruptcy in July. The city’s bankruptcy petition was approved in December.”

    This mans job sucks. Talk about having a lot to do

  3. Trent says:

    “It is odd for CMS to propose sweeping changes to a program that enjoys bipartisan support, high satisfaction rates among seniors, and has come in 40 percent below original cost projections.”


  4. Lucas says:

    The clinical concerns cited by the agency may be valid – for instance, they worry about the over-prescription of some psychiatric medications (in 2009, 58 percent of individuals prescribed psychiatric medications were not diagnosed with a psychiatric condition).”

    This seems counter-productive.

  5. Wally says:

    “Administrators at Seattle Children’s today said they predicted this would happen, and it’s even worse than they expected,” says the local news anchor. “Patients being denied specialty treatment at the hospital by insurance providers on the Washington health benefits exchange. Children’s filed request on behalf of 125 of their patients. Of those, they say they got only 20 responses, eight of which were denials. Dr. Sandy Melzer says all this comes after reassurances of certain unique specialty cases would still be covered.”

    More lies from the Obama administration.