Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

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  1. Lucy says:

    “So there have been a handful of cases, literally a handful,” Morell revealed, “where NSA employees have looked into the database inappropriately — looked at boyfriends, or girlfriends.”


    • Matthe says:

      It is good to know that the people involved with the nations most sensitive information are using it responsibly.

  2. PJ says:

    Study: sitting at work for hours can be as unhealthy as smoking.

    It certainly can sap you of energy, sitting all day!

  3. Anne says:

    “Minor,” indeed. Makes you wonder what they’re not admitting…

  4. Buster says:

    Zeke Emanuel: Sexually transmitted diseases (STD) tests are …popular …among Medicare … patients.

    Dude, you’re creepin’ me out! Eeeewwww!

  5. Devon Herrick says:

    Is Paul Krugman a hypocrite?

    Krugman explains in his economics textbook that unemployment insurance discourages employment by subsidizing unemployment. Then he advocates for extension of unemployment benefits from his New York Times bully pulpit.

    Does that make him a hypocrite? Or is he merely identifying a political opportunity?

    Unemployed people may seek gainful employment and find jobs sooner if their benefits are allowed to expire. But unemployed people who are perpetually granted unemployment benefit extensions are more loyal Democratic constituents. Rather than hypocrisy, I believe Krugman is merely stating a political position.

  6. Studebaker says:

    Study: sitting at work for hours can be as unhealthy as smoking.

    When I first went to work for a company after graduating years ago, we were allowed to smoke inside the office. Can you imagine? People sat at a desk all day, smoked like a chimney, munched on potato chips and drank Coke while they worked. Cardiology was only beginning to unravel the mysteries of heart disease. No wonder men often died of heart attacks in their 50s.

  7. Howard says:

    “Sexually transmitted diseases (STD) tests are as popular as colonoscopies among Medicare Part B patients.”

    Well at least they feel comfortable enough to get STD tests. Maybe some of the STDs will go away.

  8. Brian S. says:

    Siting: The Washington Post has a nice info-graphic/poster of the risks of prolonged sitting here: