Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

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  1. Billy says:

    “Trees cut down to make room for wind farms.”

    We destroy the planet to try and save it. Lunacy.

  2. Wilbur says:

    “When Senator Rand Paul (R-KT) tried to enroll his family in a private health plan, the system enrolled his son in Medicaid instead.”

    What did I say? It’s all a plan to get everyone on the government rolls.

  3. Wally says:

    “Since 2007, the country has seen more than 5 million trees (6,200 acres) cut down in order to make room for wind farms in order to achieve that goal and fight global warming.”


  4. Billy says:

    “Study: Nine million people will alternate between Medicaid and private coverage this year.”

    Ah, the efficiency of government at work.

  5. Bob Hertz says:

    Just because the ACA sets a growth rate for Medicare spending, that does not mean that Washington really has the will and the tools to achieve that.

    Time and again, Medicare has frozen or even lowered its payment rates for specific procedures, but total spending has grown rapidly because there is no control of volumes.

    George Halvorson covered this in his great book Strong Medioine two decades ago. David Goldhill treated it well in his recent book also.

  6. Buster says:

    Trees cut down to make room for wind farms.

    Birds also suffer when they fly through windmills. I recognize that wind farms have the potential to provide energy. But I would like to think that forests don’t have to be cut down to make room for them. Britain already has a shortage of trees dating back to medieval times.

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