Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

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  1. perry says:

    “Healthcare.gov will not allow you to add a baby to your health plan; it also can’t handle marriages, divorces, or even a move to another community.”

    So much for portability.

  2. Dewaine says:

    “NSA won’t say whether it spies on Congress.”

    Great. I wonder how many Congressman have had their arms twisted by compromising information.

  3. Dewaine says:

    “Healthcare.gov will not allow you to add a baby to your health plan; it also can’t handle marriages, divorces, or even a move to another community.”

    What else would we expect?

    • Wally says:

      A failed system by a failed administration of course!

    • Nancy says:

      So now, on top of all of the other work that goes into caring for a newborn, parents have to contact multiple parties to get their child added to their coverage? That seems sensible.

  4. PJ says:

    How we got ObamaCare.

    Where to begin on this one? An awful combination of an uninformed public, a Republican inability to communicate, and an executive whose straw man arguments and “misstatements” were never once questioned by the media.

  5. Jessica says:

    Kirsch is surprised by the continued fight over health care? Should anyone really be surprised?

  6. Julie P. says:

    NSA won’t say whether it spies on Congress.

    At this point, isn’t it only newsworthy if there’s a story about the government NOT spying on someone?

    • JD says:

      They just want to give the impression that they know everything. Can’t have us thinking that we can get away with things.

  7. Trent says:

    Of course the NSA spies on congress, there’s several reports about it during the era of McCarthyism.