Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

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  1. Dewaine says:

    “Casey Mulligan explains why 2014 will see a shift to part-time work; and why that means there will be less work.”

    And more handouts.

  2. Dewaine says:

    “Disaster: only 5% to 10% have paid their first month’s premium.”

    I’m sure we’ll find some way to excuse it.

  3. JD says:

    “If the new guidelines are fully implemented, close to a third of all Americans will be on a statin.”

    Expect more of this kindof thing.

  4. Trent says:

    If you thought acupuncture worked in the first place you deserve to be pricked by needles

  5. Dewaine says:

    “Acupuncture is not better than fake acupuncture.”

    Good. Maybe health insurance is not better than fake health insurance also.

  6. Buster says:

    Acupuncture is not better than fake acupuncture.

    Wow! This is great news! I’m a huge advocate of acupuncture. This means that I can purchases acupuncture services from a poorly-trained, bargain-basement charlatan rather than paying top-dollar from someone who has spent years studying Eastern medicine.

    • Studebaker says:

      No Dude! This means the expert who has spent years studying acupuncture under Eastern medicine is a charlatan.

  7. Guest says:

    “If the new guidelines are fully implemented, close to a third of all Americans will be on a statin.”

    I’ve heard that your brain needs cholesterol and statins make you stupid.