Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

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  1. JD says:

    “The cellphone encryption technology used most widely across the world can be easily defeated by the National Security Agency.”

    Great, can’t beat ’em.

  2. JD says:

    “HHS tells contractors not to tell Congress anything.”

    Don’t you love our government at work? Working hard to keep us in the dark.

  3. Sabal says:

    “New York liberals stung by ObamaCare.”

    Think that any of them will blame Obama?

    • JD says:

      I don’t know how they will be able to justify blaming Bush for this one, but don’t put it past them.

  4. Dewaine says:

    “Washington exchange is erroneously debiting people’s checking accounts.”

    Maybe this thing won’t be a massive fiscal disaster after all….

  5. Sabal says:

    “The federal exchange has a backlog of 50,000 paper applications.”

    2014 is going to be a tumultuous year. Will they push ObamaCare back even more or find an “emergency solution” to get people health care?

    • Dewaine says:

      They will offer to expand Medicaid to anybody adversely affected. Believe me, that is where this is going. They wanted single payer all along and they won’t stop until they get it. The real question is: did they expect this to happen all along or did they actually design ObamaCare with its success in mind? I lean toward the former. They wanted this thing to fail. It is too poorly designed.

    • Tiffany says:

      They will absolutely push it back and shoulder the blame onto anyone else they possibly can. It is time for the Obama administration to stop kicking the can down the road and fix this mess–which means no emergency solution either. The last thing we need is another poorly planned Medicaid-type program patched onto the end of a bill.

  6. Lucy says:

    “New York liberals stung by ObamaCare.”

    The folks who pushed for this deserve what they get.

  7. Perry says:

    “President Obama plans 17-day holiday vacation in Hawaii.”

    I hope he enjoys himself while people are struggling to get insurance coverage in the next week.