Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

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  1. BHS says:

    New ads by Health and Human Services (HHS) claim Healthcare.gov is “very easy to use.”

    Oh good, spending more money to promote this trainwreck of a program.

    • Perry says:

      I like the fact that the lady was a grant writer for HHS and the young man was a young Obama supporter.

      • JD says:

        Right, “very easy to use” might not have the same meaning to someone who is emotionally invested.

  2. Perry says:

    From The Onion: New, improved ObamaCare program released on 35 floppy disks.


  3. CBrady says:

    Ha the Onion got it right!

  4. Buster says:

    From The Onion: New, improved ObamaCare program released on 35 floppy disks.

    Now that’s funny!

  5. Buster says:

    WellPoint might offer ObamaCare plans with only half the number of doctors available in its off-exchange plans.

    There’s certainly nothing wrong with this. Insurers have wanted to experiment with limited networks for some time. I believe there would be even more savings if health plans selectively contract with hospitals willing to provide better deals on procedures.

  6. Lucas says:

    “On April 1 though, they’re out of luck — and have to wait until 2015 to purchase a health insurance plan.”

    This seems quite problematic.

    • Connor says:

      I could see hypochondriacs who aren’t aware of that staying in their house until the next year. I’m calling it now, a significant rise in bubble children for 2014.